Direct Reserve Vaulting
About DR Vaulting
Kitco DirectReserve™ holdings are stored securely in the DirectReserve™ Vault.
Each unit of DirectReserve™ is fully backed by physical gold held securely at Kitco’s DirectReserve™ Vault.
By powering a vault with the Tradewind Ledger, market participants are enabled to use the value of an asset for investment, collateral, and settlement, without the need to physically move gold.
Kitco is a leading retailer of precious metals and their vaults are regularly audited by leading security firms.
Kitco, in collaboration with Tradewind, created Kitco DirectReserve to seamlessly connect the precious metals ecosystem through a single platform. Kitco DirectReserve ties the ownership of physical assets to the digital management of these assets. Built on the foundation of electronic records of title, and architected on a private blockchain to ensure optimal protection, Kitco DirectReserve enables the market participants to use the value of an asset for investment, collateral, and settlement, regardless of where it is held in the Kitco ecosystem.